
Privacy & Policy


Privacy Policy

MG COLLECTION d/b/a MG COLLECTION, “us”, “we” or “our”) is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of Personal Information we may collect. (MG COLLECTION)   has created this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) to advise you about our information practices, such as the types of information we collect and how we may use that information, and to inform you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you. We urge you to read this Privacy Policy carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your Personal Information and how we will treat it. By visiting any part of our Websites (as defined below) or otherwise providing  (MG COLLECTION)    with Personal Information by any means, you accept and agree to the practices described in this Privacy Policy and your continued use of the Websites (following the posting of a revised privacy policy) means that you accept and agree to the terms of the revised privacy policy, so please check the policy periodically for updates.



This Privacy Policy applies to and all other websites, features, or online services that are both (i) owned or controlled by HDS and (ii) post a link to this Privacy Policy (collectively, the “Websites”), whether accessed via computer, mobile device, or otherwise. Note, however, this Privacy Policy does not apply to use of unaffiliated websites that link to our Websites. Once you enter another website (whether through an advertisement, service, or content link), be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other websites.


This Privacy Policy aims to give you information on how  (MG COLLECTION)   collects and uses your Personal Information through your use of the Websites, including any information you may provide through the Websites when you sign up for an account, sign up to receive information or communications from us, purchase a product or service, or request further services or information from us.

It is important that you read this Privacy Policy together with any other privacy notice or fair processing notice we may provide on specific occasions when we are collecting or using Personal Information about you so that you are fully aware of how and why we are using your information. This Privacy Policy supplements the other notices and is not intended to override them.


The Websites are not designed for, or directed to, children under the age of 16 and  (MG COLLECTION) does not intentionally collect information about anyone under the age of 16 on the Websites. If   (MG COLLECTION)  discovers that it has inadvertently collected Personal Information from anyone younger than the age of 16, we will attempt to delete the information as soon as possible. If you believe that we might have any Personal Information from a child under 16, Please contact us at


We reserve the right, at any time and without notice, to add to, change, update or modify this Privacy Policy, simply by posting such change, update or modification on the Websites. Any such change, update or modification will be effective immediately upon posting on the Websites. If we make material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you by email or by posting a notice of such changes at . However, unless you consent,  (MG COLLECTION)   will not use your Personal Information in a manner materially different than what was stated in our posted Privacy Policy at the time your Personal Information was collected. Please check this Privacy Policy regularly to ensure you are aware of any changes in our practices.

It is important that the Personal Information we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if your Personal Information changes during your relationship with us. You are responsible for maintaining the accuracy of the information you submit to us, such as your contact information. If you contact us with changes, we will make good faith efforts to make requested changes in our then-active databases as soon as reasonably practicable. Note, however, that information may persist internally for our administrative purposes and that residual data may remain on backup media or for other reasons.


The Websites may include links to third-party websites, plug-ins and applications and certain content on the Websites may be hosted and served by third parties that   (MG COLLECTION)  does not control. When you click on a link to any other website or location, you will leave our Websites and go to another site and another entity may collect Personal Information from you. We have no control over, do not review, and cannot be responsible for, these outside websites or their content. Please be aware that the terms of this Privacy Policy do not apply to these outside websites, their privacy statements or content, or to any collection of your Personal Information after you click on links to such outside websites. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of every website you visit. The links to third party websites or locations are for your convenience and do not signify our endorsement of such third parties or their products, content or websites.

In addition,  (MG COLLECTION)  content may be included on web pages and websites that are not associated with (MG COLLECTION)   and over which we have no control. These third parties may collect data through the use of their own cookies, pixel tags or other technology, independently collect information or solicit Personal Information, and may have the ability to track your use of their websites and services. (MG COLLECTION) is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of any third party.


Personal Information or personal data means any information about an individual from which that person can be identified. It does not include information where the identity has been removed (anonymous data).

We and our third-party service providers may collect, use, store and transfer different kinds of Personal Information about you that we have grouped together as follows:

  • IDENTITY INFORMATION includes name, username or similar identifier, title, date of birth, and gender.
  • DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION includes zip code, age and/or income.
  • CONTACT INFORMATION includes billing address, delivery address, email address and telephone numbers.
  • FINANCIAL INFORMATION includes bank account and payment card details.
  • TRANSACTION INFORMATION includes details about payments to and from you and other details of services you have purchased from us.
  • TECHNICAL INFORMATION includes internet protocol (IP) address, your login data, browser type and version, time zone setting and geographical location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and other technology or other unique identifier (a set of numbers or characters that is assigned to your computer, mobile phone, or other device when you are on the Internet) (“Device Identifier”) for any computer, mobile phone, tablet or other device (any of which are referred to herein as a “Device”) used to access the Websites.
  • PROFILE INFORMATION includes your username and password, purchases or orders made by you, your interests, preferences, product feedback, and survey responses.
  • USAGE DATA includes information about how you use our Websites, products and services, including all of the areas within our Websites that you visit or use and the time of day you visited the Websites, among other information.
  • MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS INFORMATION includes your preferences in receiving marketing from us and our third parties and your communication preferences.
  • LOCATION INFORMATION includes information about your location using a variety of technologies, such as GPS, IP address, and connected or nearby Wi-Fi networks.
  • USER CONTENT INFORMATION includes text (including questions, comments, and suggestions), pictures, audio, videos, or other content (collectively, “User Content”) you share by participating and posting content publicly in reviews, interactive features, or other communication functionality (“Community Features”).

We also collect, use and share AGGREGATED INFORMATION such as statistical or demographic information for any purpose. Aggregated Information may be derived from your Personal Information but is not considered Personal Information in law as this information does not directly or indirectly reveal your identity. For example, we may aggregate your Usage Data to calculate the percentage of users accessing a specific website feature. However, if we combine or connect Aggregated Information with your Personal Information so that it can directly or indirectly identify you, we treat the combined information as Personal Information that will be used in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

We do not collect any SPECIAL CATEGORIES of Personal Information about you (this includes details about your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, information about your health and genetic and biometric data). Nor do we collect any information about criminal convictions and offences.


We use different methods to collect information from and about you including through:

DIRECT INTERACTIONS. You may give us your Identity, Demographic, Contact, Financial, Profile, or Marketing and Communications Information by filling in forms or by corresponding with us by mail, phone, email, or otherwise. This includes Personal Information you provide when you: purchase our products or services; create an account on our Websites; subscribe to emails or newsletters; add items to your shopping cart; request services or other information; enter a competition, promotion or survey; or give us feedback about products, services, or the Websites.

AUTOMATED TECHNOLOGIES OR INTERACTIONS. As you navigate through the Websites, we may automatically collect Technical, Usage, and Location Information about your equipment, browsing actions and patterns. We collect this Personal Information by using cookies, pixel tags, embedded scripts and other similar technologies. We may also receive Technical Information about you if you visit other websites employing our cookies.

COOKIES – Cookies are small data files that a website sends to your Device while you are viewing the website that are stored on the Device. Cookies can be used for many purposes, including to monitor use of websites, to customize content specific to your interests, to ensure that you do not see the same advertisement repeatedly, to speed up your searches and purchases and to recognize you when you return to our Websites and/or store your user name and password so you do not have to re-enter it each time you visit the Websites. You may refuse to accept cookies by activating the appropriate setting on your browser.

PIXEL TAG – Pixel Tags (also referred to as clear GIFs, 1×1 GIFs Web beacons, or Web bugs) are small graphic images or other web programming code that may be included on the Websites and in our e-mail messages. In contrast to Cookies, which are stored on a user’s Device, Pixel Tags are embedded invisibly in web pages. Pixel Tags may be invisible to you, but any electronic image or other web programming code inserted into a web page or e-mail can act as a pixel tag. Pixel Tags or similar technologies may be used for a number of purposes, including, without limitation, to count visitors to the Websites, to monitor how users navigate the Websites, to count how many emails that were sent were actually opened or to count how many particular articles or links were actually viewed.

EMBEDDED SCRIPTS – Embedded scripts are programming code designed to collect information about your interactions with the Websites, such as the links you click. The code is temporarily downloaded onto your Device from our web server or a third party service provider, and is active only while you are connected to the Websites.

FLASH LSOS – When we post videos, third parties may use local shared objects, known as “flash cookies,” to store your preferences for volume control or to personalize certain video features. Flash Cookies are different from browser Cookies because of the amount and type of data and how the data is stored. Cookie management tools provided by your browser will not remove Flash Cookies. To learn how to manage privacy and storage settings for Flash Cookies, please visit: HTTP://WWW.MACROMEDIA.COM/SUPPORT/DOCUMENTATION/EN/FLASHPLAYER/HELP/SETTINGS_MANAGER07.HTML

COMMUNITY FEATURES. The Websites may provide you the opportunity to participate and post User Content publicly through reviews, surveys, interactive features, or other communication functionality (“Community Features”). We may provide functionality for you to submit or post User Content through Community Features, by linking the Websites to a third party service, or otherwise. Please note that certain information, such as your name, may be publicly displayed on the Websites along with your User Content. User Content consisting of uploaded files may contain metadata, which may contain Personal Information or other information about or relating to you. You may wish to remove metadata from your files before transmitting such files to HDS. NOTE THAT ANYTHING YOU POST THROUGH COMMUNITY FEATURES IS PUBLIC – OTHERS WILL HAVE ACCESS TO YOUR USER CONTENT AND MAY USE IT OR SHARE IT WITH THIRD PARTIES. IF YOU CHOOSE TO VOLUNTARILY DISCLOSE PERSONAL INFORMATION, THAT INFORMATION WILL BE CONSIDERED PUBLIC INFORMATION AND THE PROTECTIONS OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY WILL NOT APPLY. IF YOU SUBMIT USER CONTENT, IT MAY BE PUBLISHED ONLINE OR OFFLINE AT ANY TIME. IN ADDITION, WE MAY USE YOUR USER CONTENT AND ANY EXCERPT FROM YOUR USER CONTENT IN CONNECTION WITH OUR ADVERTISING, MARKETING, PUBLICITY AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES.

THIRD PARTIES OR PUBLICLY AVAILABLE SOURCES. We may receive Personal Information about you from various third parties. For example, if you are on another website and you opt-in to receive information from us, the other website will forward your Contact Information and other information to us so that we may contact you as requested. We also may supplement the information we collect with outside records from third parties in order to provide you with information, services or goods you have requested, to enhance our ability to serve you, and to tailor our content to you. We may combine the information we receive from those other sources with information we collect through the Websites. In those cases, we will apply this Privacy Policy to the combined information. Examples of third party sources include:

Technical Information from the following parties:

  • Analytics Providers
  • Advertising Networks
  • Search Information
  • Contact, Financial and Transaction Information from providers of technical, payment and delivery services
  • Identity and Contact Information from publicly available sources

INFORMATION PROVIDED FROM OTHER USERS. If you decide to invite a third party to create an account and/or purchase our merchandise, we will collect the Identity and Contact Information you provide (e.g., name and email address) for you and the third party in order to send a message to the third party and follow up with the third party. We rely upon you to obtain whatever consents from the third party that may be required by law to allow us to collect such information and contact the third party as described in the foregoing sentence. You or the third party may contact us at to request the removal of this information from our database.

  1. THIRD PARTY INTERACTIONS Certain functionality on the Websites may permit interactions that you initiate between the Websites and a third party website or service (“THIRD PARTY INTERACTIONS”). Examples of Third Party Interactions may include technology that enables you to “like” or “share” content from the Websites on or to other websites or services; to transmit content to the Websites from your account on a third party website or service; to otherwise connect the Websites to a third party website or service, such as through an application programming interface (API) made available by  (MG COLLECTION) or a third party; or for users to register for an account and login through social networking sites such as Facebook and Google (each an “SNS”). By registering or logging in through a SNS, you are allowing the Websites to access your information and you are agreeing to the SNS’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy in your use of such services. We may receive information from the SNS to make it easier for you to create an account with us. Any information that we collect from your SNS account may depend on the privacy settings you have with that SNS, so please consult the SNS’s privacy and data practices.

If you choose to use Third Party Interactions, information you post or provide access to may be publicly displayed on the Websites or by the provider of the Social Feature that you use. Similarly, if you post information on a third party platform that references the Websites (e.g., by mentioning one of the Websites or using a hashtag associated with one of the Websites in a tweet or status update), your post may be published on our Websites in accordance with the terms of the third party website or service. Also, both   (MG COLLECTION) and the third party may have access to certain information about you and your use of the Websites and the third party website or service. In addition, we may receive information about you in connection with other users’ use of Third Party Interactions (e.g., we may learn that you are a “friend” or “connection” of the third party or receive other information about you that the other user enables us to receive).

The information we collect in connection with Third Party Interactions is subject to this Privacy Policy. The information collected and stored by the third party remains subject to the third party’s privacy practices, including whether the third party continues to share information with us, the types of information shared, and your choices with regard to what is visible to others on that third party website or service.


 (MG COLLECTION)  works with certain third parties (including network advertisers, ad agencies, and analytics companies) to provide us with information regarding traffic on the Websites, to serve advertisements, including our advertisements elsewhere online, and to provide us with information regarding the use of the Websites and the effectiveness of our advertisements. These third parties may use Device Identifier and Usage Data to compile reports on user activity. For example, if you clicked on one of our advertisements that led you to one of the Websites, our service provider(s) may be able to tell us which advertisement you clicked on and where you were viewing the advertisement. These third parties may set and access their own tracking technologies (including cookies, embedded scripts, and pixel tags) and may otherwise collect or have access to your Device Identifier, Usage Data and related information about you. Cookies and pixel tags, including those set by third party network advertisers, may be used to, among other things, target advertisements, prevent you from seeing the same advertisements too many times, conduct research regarding the usefulness of certain advertisements to you, and assist in providing analytics.

These third parties may also transfer Device Identifier and Usage Data to other third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process analytics information on their behalf. Each of these third party’s ability to use and share Device Identifier and Usage Data is restricted by their respective Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. By using our Websites, you consent to the processing of data about you by these third parties in the manner and for the purposes set out above. For a full list of third party analytics services, please contact us at

We may share Device Identifier and Usage Data about visitors with third party advertising companies, analytics providers and other vendors for similar purposes. While we may use a variety of service providers to perform advertising and analytics services, some of these companies may be members of the Network Advertising Initiative (“NAI”) or the Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAA”) Self-Regulatory Program for Online Behavioral Advertising.

For additional information regarding targeted advertising and the “opt-out” procedures of NAI members and DAA Self-Regulatory Program participating companies, you may visit:

NAI Opt-Out Tool (for website users):

DAA Consumer Choice (for website users):

DAA App Choices (for mobile app users):

Please note that opting out through these mechanisms does not opt you out of being served advertising. You will continue to receive generic ads while visiting the Websites and elsewhere online. Some third parties may collect Personal Information about your online activities over time and across different websites.

Your browser settings may allow you to automatically transmit a “Do Not Track” signal to websites and online services you visit. However, there is no consensus among industry participants as to what “Do Not Track” means in this context. Like many websites and online services, the Websites currently do not respond to or alter their practices when they receive a “Do Not Track” signal from a visitor’s browser. To find out more about “Do Not Track,” you may wish to visit


We may use the information we collect about you, including Personal Information and Usage Data:

  • To provide you with our products and services and related customer service
  • To process your registration and account creation with the Websites, including verifying your contact information is active and valid
  • To identify you as a user in our system
  • To provide you with information, products or services that you have requested or agreed to receive
  • To provide improved administration of our Websites and services
  • To process transactions you initiate, process payments and provide accurate billing and shipping
  • To send you administrative e-mail notifications, such as order confirmations, shopping cart reminders, order status updates, security, or support and maintenance advisories
  • To bill you for  (MG COLLECTION) products or services respond to your inquiries related to employment opportunities or other requests
  • Send newsletters, surveys, offers, and other promotional materials related to our services and for other marketing purposes  (MG COLLECTION)
  • To market our products/services, including recommending products/services that might be of interest to you
  • To improve our Websites, product and service offerings
  • To present our Websites and its contents in a suitable and effective manner for you and for your computer
  • To customize and tailor your experience on the Websites, for example, by displaying content that we think you might be interested in
  • To improve the quality of experience when you interact with our Site and Services for internal business purposes
  • For compliance fraud prevention and safety, including enforcing our terms of service and this Privacy Policy, protecting our rights privacy, safety, or property and/or that of you or others, and protecting against, investigating or deterring fraudulent, harmful, unauthorized, unethical or illegal activity
  • To carry out our obligations and enforce our rights arising from any contracts entered into between you and us
  • To notify you about changes to our service
  • To comply with applicable laws, lawful requests, and legal process, such as to respond to subpoenas or requests from government authorities
  • To contact you with regard to your use of the Websites and, in our discretion, changes to the Websites policies or functionality
  • To perform other functions as described at the time of collection, with your consent, or as further described in this Privacy Policy

In addition to the above, we may use anonymous data to analyze request and usage patterns so that we may enhance the content of our services and improve navigation on the Websites. We reserve the right to use anonymous data for any purpose and disclose anonymous data to third parties in our sole discretion.


We may use your Identity, Contact, Technical, Usage and Profile Information to form a view on what we think you may want or need, or what may be of interest to you. This is how we decide which products, services and offers may be relevant for you.

You will receive newsletters or marketing communications from us if you have requested information from, purchased goods or services from us, or if you provided us with your details when you entered a competition or registered for a promotion and, in each case, you have consented receiving marketing communications at that time.


A cookie is a data file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a web browser and is stored by the browser. The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server. Cookies may be either “persistent” cookies or “session” cookies: a persistent cookie will be stored by a web browser and will remain valid until its set expiry date, unless deleted by the user before the expiry date; a session cookie, on the other hand, will expire at the end of the user session, when the web browser is closed. Cookies do not typically contain any information that personally identifies a user, but Personal Information that we store about you may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies.

We may use both session cookies and persistent cookies to provide you with a more personal and interactive experience on our Site. This type of information is collected to make the Websites more useful to you and to tailor the experience with us to meet your special interests and needs.

Most browsers allow you to refuse to accept cookies and to delete cookies. The methods for doing so vary from browser to browser, and from version to version. You can however obtain information about blocking and deleting cookies for some commonly used browsers via the links below:







Please note that blocking all cookies will have a negative impact upon the usability of many websites and if you choose to block cookies, you may not be able to use all the features on our Websites.


We may share non-personally identifiable information, such as aggregated user statistics, at our discretion and without restriction.

We may disclose the information we have collected about you, including Personal Information, as disclosed at the time you provide your information, with your consent, as described in this Privacy Policy, or in the following circumstances:


MG COLLECTION shares your information with the  (MG COLLECTION) of affiliated companies worldwide. This may require a transfer of your personal data to India and to countries outside the country in which we originally collected the information. When we transfer your information to other countries we will protect that information as described in this Privacy Policy. Details of the Her Dream Store of affiliated companies are provided in Section XIV of this Privacy Policy.

You may be presented with an opportunity to receive information and/or marketing offers from HDS and our affiliated businesses, partners and agents. If you agree at that time to receive such communications, your Personal Information will be disclosed to that third party (or parties). For more information, please refer to the Marketing Communications section.


Social Networking Sites

As set forth in Section 43A of the Information Technology Act, 2000, our Websites and services enable you to post content to SNSs. If you choose to do this, we will provide information to such SNSs in accordance with your elections. You acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for your use of those websites and that it is your responsibility to review the terms of use and privacy policy of the applicable SNS. We will not be responsible or liable for: (i) the availability or accuracy of such SNSs; (ii) the content, products or services on or availability of such SNSs; or (iii) your use of any such SNSs.

Community Features

As set forth in Section III, our Websites and services enable you to post User Content through Community Features. If you choose to use these features, you will be identified by your first name and last initial. Please note that any Personal Information you include on a public area of the Site will be publicly viewable. Once displayed publicly, that information can be collected and used by others. We cannot control who reads your postings or what other users may do with the information that you voluntarily post, so it is very important that you do not put data such as private contact information that you do not want to make available to the public in your posts. Once you have posted information publicly, while you will still be able to edit and delete it on the Site, you will not be able to edit or delete such information cached, collected, and stored elsewhere by others (e.g., search engines).

We require all third parties to respect the security of your Personal Information and to provide the same level of privacy protection as required by this Privacy Policy.



If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy or practices, please feel free to contact us via email at


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